Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Parties, Plans & Padstow......

We have been celebrating some farewell parties for the baby Mad Dogs. First we had a party for BMD#2 and combined it with her 7th birthday. She had a great time with friends, classmates and cousins playing lots of games and dancing organised by the entertainer.

Next it was BMD#1 who wanted a party with a disco as she would miss the yr 6 leavers party at the end of July. She had so much fun and so did I. Our entertainer not only managed to keep them dancing for 2 hours, but also threw in some great games resulting in some extremely humorous scenes! As it was the end of the SAT's exam week they were all ready to let their hair down (literally) and ready to party. Many happy memories to treasure........

Baby Mad Dog #1(center) with her dearest friends

A fun time was had by all

I think she will miss this lot
All been together since they were 4 years old

We are going to really miss them too, they are a great bunch of kids

BMD#2 Birthday and Farewell party - having a good time!

Some of her best friends
Baby Mad Dog #2 ready to blow the candles out on the cake


Despite our schooling problems for BMD#1 plans for our departure are in full swing. Our itinerary is set, so here goes:

Gus leaves 23rd May for 3 weeks correctional behaviour training. Otherwise known as doggy borstal, don't ask.

Packers 1st week of June,

Clear house 2nd week,

Collect Gus and spend a day learning what a lovely calm dog he's become from his trainer.

3rd and some of the 4th, Padstow, Cornwall, for some surfing, sand and seafood with friends plus Gus who will show his mummy all his newly learned commands and behaviours. Like not chasing vacuum cleaners, brooms, mops, tearing my washing off the line, pulling on his lead any more. He's a lovely boy, honest.

Then on the way back from Cornwall, drop Gus back to the trainers for more doggy borstal until he flies out to Chennai.

After that, fly to Edinburgh and meet up with Mr Mad Dog who would have flown in from Chennai the same day. Say goodbye to Mr Mad Dogs clan over 4 days. Try and find some haggis to take for Burns Night Supper (25th Jan), and additional items in our clan Lamont tartan for India. Where I hear all Scots break out into a fever of nationalism and clansmanship when abroad. Och Aye!

Then fly back to London to spend our last week tying up loose ends and throw a farewell party for our friends and family.

Then departure day to and fly to Chennai? Well, not exactly.

We thought we would have a little stop-over, you know, for the children.

In Dubai, for...... well, 9 days actually. A little R & R. Mrs Mad Dog will really, really need it after doing the 'move' all by herself and playing single parent for goodness knows how long. She just needs a visit to the spa, maybe once. No, make that 9 times.

Also, we want to do lots, and lots of sailing. (just to make sure the manicurist at the spa earns her money!) Not sure how much sailing we will be able to do in Chennai. We have a date set with the Royal Madras Yacht Club to have a mooch around and see if they like us. It will all depend on boats. We were unable to ship ours over so it will be a case of buy some or try and rent a yacht for the duration of our posting. Fingers crossed.

Right, mooning over boats and Dubai finished. Back to sorting, packing and shopping. More on shopping later.

Toodle pip fellow bloggers.



Unknown said...

Say hello to Dubai for me. And ring me when you get here :)

Mother of the Mad dogs said...


Sure will :)

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